



2009.12.29 Tuesday: received 1st shipment of ViaViente. ordered pHionBalance to further water alkalinity in body.

2009.12.28 Monday: continued regaining moderation while family enjoyed creating Gingerbread houses/village. 🙂

(Learned the hard way need for moderation of increased amounts, remember baby food intro basics?!?)

2009.12.27  Sunday: Added beet/Granny Smith apples/celery (1/.5/1)

2009.12.26  Saturday: Added two tablespoons of organic pureed green beans baby food.

…tolerating juicing well, working on increasing nutritional content of the liquid… strength is improving every day….

2009.12.14  Monday: installed reverse osmosis system at kitchen sink to provide purified water toward alkalinization.

2009.12.11  Friday: Daily hydration goals are easily met now …drinking carrot, apple, and celery juice.

3 Responses to “Nutrition”

  1. Season’s Greetings at Christmasti​de and Blessings to you and yours for the New Year!

    FYI – This “Nutrition” Page is for those who want to follow Melissa’s progress with respect to the nutritional approach we are pursuing.

    Here’s an excerpt from a recent update from a dear friend and sister in Christ, Carmen who is providin​g assistance and oversight i​n helping Melissa’s body in the process of healing:

    Hi Rex,
    I am very familiar with the Hallelujah Acres diet. It is very good. In fact it is the same type of model that I am using to introduce more nutrient food into Melissa’s diet now. I like the “Maker’s Diet” and “The Great Physician Rx for Cancer” books better. I am using the “Maker’s Diet” model for all the nutritional support. I will also be referring to the Hallelujah diet as well.

    I am going to start to introduce some more plant protein and coconut fat into her diet. Please have your prayer warriors praying that the food will be cleansing and that her body will absorb the nutrients.



  2. keith and I did the Hallelujah diet for about 3 years. It did amazing things for us…particularly reducing and eliminating Keith’s problems with diabetes, high blood presurre, high cholesterol and triglycerides, and of course weight. Unfortunately, we didn’t sustain the diet. I am praying that the goodness of God’s green earth will continue to help with your healing. Blessings, Sandy Kincaid


  3. I do hope you look into Hallelujah acres and speak to their counselors too. Dr Malkmus, was a pastor of a very alive ministry when he got diagnosed with colon cancer in his 40s. His mother was a nurse and had gotten the same thing but since she did not benefit from the conventional treatment and died he decided he did not want to go that way. He researched what others had done to restore their health through natural means and that is how he got well. That was 30 years ago. He started the ministry because he wanted God’s family to see how miraculous the body is how it wants to heal if we cleanse it and feed it the highest nutrition possible & don’t expose it to toxins of any sort. The testimonies are amazing. I pray that you give it your all and that you are yet another testimony.
    God bless you, bless you, bless you. Love, Christyl


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