
Recently Melissa Espiritu has found out that she has gastric cancer and obviously this was unforseen and devastating news, however the Espiritu family are strong believers in God and his love and absolute holiness.  So we are joining together to pray and press into the Kingdom and take Melissa before her father and ask for a complete healing! This site has been set up so that the family can keep everyone posted on the situation.  We would also love to hear from you and your words during this time because we are the Body and we have to be complete during these times.  There will also be a page dedicated to the NEEDS of the Espiritu family so please check that page as often as you can.  If you have any questions and want to contact someone other than the family please contact me (Anton Payne) and I can relay anything on to the family, my number is (765) 524-4336 and my email is

~ by antonpayne on December 11, 2009.

One Response to “Melissa”

  1. Thank you so very much, Anton! God’s blessings to you and yours in this wonderful season of Christmas!!!


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